Do we have time to learn how to live with the few remaining wolverines in the US?
Tag: wildlife
As soon as we manage to gauge our impact on wildlife as outdoorists, it changes.
Read: Will we ever know rec’s true impact on wildlife? (Out of bounds) — High Country News – Know the West
If so, are we capable of self-restraint to conserve wildlife?
Twenty-two sheep were helicoptered in to habitat where they were once important to the land and people.
The North American Model, Explained

Too often we take for granted what Roosevelt and generations of conservation-minded leaders have left us: a system of public lands that is unparalleled in all the world; the best-managed fish and wildlife populations of any nation; and the ability for all Americans to hunt and fish, regardless of class or economic status.
Read: The North American Model, Explained | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
Why would a community experiencing many wildlife collisions reject wildlife crossing projects? The voters of Island Sky, Idaho will tell you.
Martens Located at Last!
Adventure Scientists volunteers prove that martens are not yet extinct on the Olympic Peninsula.
Source: Martens Located at Last!